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Environmental Impact.

  • The destruction of eco-systems, habitats and flora and fauna, in particular birdlife as a result of land clearing and direct contact with turbines and transmission lines.


  • Increased fire risk due to turbines and accompanying transmission lines. Firefighters on the ground cannot put out a turbine or transmission line fire. They are instructed to let it burn until it is far enough away from the infrastructure to fight. Aerial firefighting can be limited and powering off turbines and transmission lines could also be problematic.


  • ​Increased flood risk due to water course being altered by large-scale construction. Many properties are located on floodplains in this region. 


  • The steel and concrete needed to develop turbines produces a huge carbon footprint, and many turbine components are not recyclable.


  • Degradation of land - huge tracts of land are torn up for turbines, gravel pads, substations, roads, and powerlines as part of these projects, potentially causing soil erosion, soil contamination and soil drying. Prime agricultural land cannot be compromised for turbines as it will risk food security at a time when food export is critical to our nation’s economy.


  • There is also NO legislation that mandates the regeneration and rehabilitation of this land. It will be left degraded.


  • Biosecurity risk to farms due to high volumes of people vehicles and equipment coming and going.

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