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Community and social issues.

  • Conflict between community members and neighbours. Introducing the divisive turbine debate into close knit communities when the Renewable Energy discussion is ongoing, can have unfortunate long-lasting impacts.


  • Decreased support for organisations that accept financial incentives from multinational companies, most of which struggle for numbers as it is.


  • Our roads will further deteriorate and be congested with vehicles and equipment for months/years. This will have flow on effects to those trying to run their farming operation in the most efficient and safe manner possible.


  • Tourism. We are known for the Silo Trail and The Grampians National Park. The installation of turbines when there is further research into alternatives being undertaken will compromise the natural beauty of the region.


  • People will move away. People who are forced to live amongst or nearby turbines that they didn’t sign up for will inevitably leave the community, as well hosts who underestimated the impact of living with turbines. Dwindling community populations will suffer.


  • Increased difficulty in attracting and accommodating seasonal farm workers due to competition from wind facility.

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